About BUR

Bruin Underwater Robotics (BUR) is ASME’s newest technical project, dedicated to creating robots capable of operating in and exploring underwater environments. Underwater robotics is a unique field with fascinating applications such as marine biology research, deep sea exploration, and the search for life on icy moons like Europa and Enceladus. These hostile environments also present exceptional engineering challenges! To perform these tasks, our core projects involve designing a robot equipped with a suite of scientific sensors, a robotic arm, cameras and sample collection tools.

For the 2022-2023 school year, we will have three subteams: the Aquaframe Subteam will be working on the chassis and overall structure of the ROV, the Dive Ops Subteam will be designing the pneumatic actuators on the ROV, and the Electronics Subteam will be designing and working on all electronics and code for the ROV!


Lab Inventory

Our Bots

Contact Info

Email: [email protected]

Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/bruinunderwaterrobot/shared_invite/zt-1q41datc2-BEBWrLS2tNnitVZj411qKg

Competition Info

MATE ROV Main Webpage